The alchemy of color, inspired by the past and sustainably crafted for a better future.
At Silk & Willow, we derive our dyes from a rich variety of sources including roots, foliage, nuts, berries, and flowers. We organically grow and forage many of our dye materials locally in the Hudson Valley of New York. If not grown locally, our dye materials are sustainably sourced with GOTS Certification from within the United States and abroad.

The unique colors that natural dyes produce are truly unparalleled, holding an enchanting allure that awaits your discovery. According to color theory, different hues can elicit specific physiological responses in those who observe them. Natural colors, with their vibrant richness yet gentle appeal, have the power to soothe and captivate simultaneously.
We take immense pride in our practice of 'slow-craft' color creation, a method that forges a profound connection with nature. This process not only serves as a reminder of traditional craftsmanship but also underscores our respect for the environment. Come, experience the magic of natural colors with us!